You may wish to print out this article to carefully read it before you proceed to register at PaidMailNigeria. Now, check out this; if you are some how bored and not having what to do with your e-mail box, or maybe not much mail streams in, well you can try PaidMailNigeria where you can get mails from them and participate in reading mails, taking online surveys, trying brand name products or even shopping online as all these now pays you in your local currency.
What do I do on PaidMailNigeria to Make Money?
I have just explained it briefly on the previous paragraph but I still have to elaborate more on this. PaidMailNigeria pays you for the followings:-
1. PaidMailNigeria pays you for Signing up (N100 per registration).
2. You will be surprise to see your points going higher and higher just when you participate in Online Survey which your middle-man ‘PaidMailNigeria’ offers you. So please keep on checking your mail box for daily offers from PaidMailNigeria.
3. PaidMailNigeria provides promotions in form of adverts and so when you receive them via your e-mail and read or click the adverts in form of banners from PaidMailNigeria, you are being paid for your time.
4. Test brand name products like Pepsi, coca-cola, Guinness and what have you and be rewarded for your time.
5. Do online shopping and have your price reduced just for being a member.
6. A like this last but not the least. Do you that when you promote this site by inviting for people through the ID referrers’ link given to you, more money is attracted to your nitch. So why not start today, it’s just simple and user friendly.
Click here to signup today and get your first N100 free. Glad you will have a reason to rejoice and write me back.
How do PaidMailNigeria make their Money?
This is just straight forward. PaidMailNigeria are hugely rewarded by affiliate companies where all they offer you comes from. In that case, PaidMailNigeria is like a middle-man between you and several websites to pays PaidMailNigeria for helping them in advertisement.
How do I get paid?
You can be paid anytime, any day provided you make the minimum payout of N1, 000. The problem incurred by most internet users on the payment of fund with foreign currencies is completely cancelled in PaidMailNigeria. This time around, you are being paid in your local currency (Naira) either through direct money transfers to your bank account where you will be asked to provide your Bank details (to include Bank Name, Account Name, Bank Account No.) or by check which often takes several hours to process.
What are the rules to keep you earning and not disqualified?
Every organized system has its guiding principle to follow to keep it running smoothly. A lot of people may wish to play ‘mago-mago’ (pranks) by trying to register more than once. But this, I assure you do not work out that way as your computer IP to registered hence you join PaidMailNigeria. Again, if you think you are a smart type that sends your referrer’s ids in form bulk mail (scam messages) then you are automatically disqualified. If you use you link on any media or social forums like twitter, facebook, or mywebspace, you too will be disqualified.
How then do I earn extra cash through my promotion referrer’s link?
Yes, if you will be so observant, you find out the magic I have used to get your attention to this article. I have a blog and a website to promote PaidMailNigeria. Now if you have none, why not try This is absolutely free to get. Write intensive articles and add PaidMailNigeria referrer’s banners as HTML codes which they provide all members to display on your blog or website usually at the right side of the browser window to track more numbers of viewers. See the diagram below for a clearer view.

In this case when someone reads your article and see on the advert, he or she may be prompted to click and signup at PaidMailNigeria. In this case you have referred to person.